Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cultural Influence

Last Wednesday we talked about how we have a very linear sense of time and that opportunities only come around once. I'm taking a class in Linguistics and we have also talked about this. Many Native American and Indigenous cultures have a cyclic view of time. They believe that if you miss out on something it will come around again.

Our view of time I believe creates a much more fleeting view of time. I have heard it said many times that life is fleeting and short. We are supposed to live life to the fullest and make everyday count. This creates a society that is always in debt. We believe that life doesn't last long so we have to buy cars, boats, houses and trips before our time runs out. The more places you've been and the more objects you have the fuller your life has been. I don't believe there is anything wrong with this but with a more cyclic view of time would probably create less stress. Choices and objects will often come around again or we will have another chance to take advantage of them. Culture influences how we think and feel. This example of how our idea of time is influenced is just one example. Many times culture influences other things, but it really is a truly powerful thing.

Sophocles over stepped his own cultural bounds by creating the character of Antigone. She was culturally different than any normal Greek woman and thus caused many Greek people to hate her. Overall Antigone is a very interesting character and one that I enjoy because she never makes excuses and is truly a strong female character.

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